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01Jan 2017

Why The Happiest Moms Do Their Chores on Monday

How do you feel as the weekend approaches?

Relieved that the week of early wake-up calls and having to be somewhere every day is nearly over for a short time?

Happy that you can soon decide not to get up and dressed if that’s how you feel?

It’s a familiar feeling – it rolls around every week but how soon until you start to feel the familiar dread of Sunday night with Monday morning looming and back to the grind? Weekends come and go so quickly. Usually we procrastinate the little things we don’t have time for during the week and spend our weekends taking care of chores.  

If you are not careful you start to make excuses about not being able to do anything fun on the weekend because you have cleaning chores, grocery shopping, and all the little things that keep your household afloat! Get intentional. Clean one area of your house each day. You would be amazed at how little time it actually takes. Set a timer and see what you can accomplish in 15 minutes. I promise you’ll look forward to weekends more when you’re doing something enjoyable instead of cleaning toilets all day Saturday!

When your main desire is to recharge those batteries it’s quite attractive to do “nothing” and veg on the sofa. We don’t think about spending our time intentionally, and we live a lazy version of life.


I prefer to think of my weekends as miniature holidays – with no one checking up on me and nowhere specific to be.


It can be addictive to sit around lazily and only do the necessary things.  Sometimes of course this is totally warranted – perhaps after a crazy busy or extra rough week or perhaps while recovering from a nasty cold.  But most of the time it is more energizing  to seize the day and make the most of your time off.

Think about it – we look forward to the weekend so much. Why if all we are going to do with our time is waste it?


Make a list of all the things that you would like to do someday.


A bucket list of sorts, but not everything has to be on a grand scale. (One thing on my current bucket list? Mastering the Mississippi Delta version of the hot tamale. Talk about amazing!)  

Imagine you didn’t have to go to work for a week – like a stay-cation.  How would you fill your time? It’s easier to make a list of the “someday” things. Imagine you are fully rested and have a whole week ahead of you. What are the things you can do to make some memories and make the most of your time off? Take the kids to the park, play tourist in your own town, have a board game night, or make your own pizzas!


Here’s my challenge for you--don’t laze around making excuses this weekend! Get off your sofa. Your weekend will be more fulfilling and you will feel much more energized for the week ahead. Pick one item from your list, and actually do it this weekend! 



Lead Magnet: celebrate season page in goal planner (Kate Max) image already edited