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08Sep 2016

5 Steps Moms Can Take When They Feel Overwhelmed

Do you ever see those commercials promising a “free upgrade” to your cable package? It’s never really free, though, is it? You know what is totally free? A life upgrade! Really! You can upgrade your life in a few quick and easy steps. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? Well, it might be easier than you think.

It won’t cost a dime.

It won’t take you weeks to see the results.

There is no waiting on hold, either.  

Here are three easy things you can do to upgrade your life today.  No strings, no hidden costs. A straight path to make everything a little better.  Add a little charm to your days, and start living in the moment with an upgraded version of your life.

1 “Eat that ugly frog.”  

I love that expression! It relates to those tasks and jobs that you have been putting off for a while.  The things you have to do, but dread doing.  The things that you would do anything to avoid.  Maybe it’s a phone call with someone you need to have a difficult conversation with, cleaning out the attic, sorting out a drawer or even something at work that you have put off for weeks or even months. Get out there and get on with it! Once that ugly frog is removed, imagine how you will feel. Liberated, free, and just plain relieved. Your life will be upgraded. You will be able to enjoy your free time more without that constant nagging reminder of a task that is not complete.

2 Nurture yourself.  

What is it that calms you down, chills you out and just makes you feel good?  Perhaps it’s a good book, a long walk, catching up with your favorite TV series or simply being able to eat a nice meal in peace.  Whatever it is you need, make time to do it! Think of it as your little oasis in the desert.  It is not greedy or selfish. It is necessary for you to recharge your batteries. How can you care for others when you don’t care for yourself?

3 Rekindle friendships.

Reach out to your people.  After all, love makes the world go round! Whether it’s a quick call or a handwritten note,  everyone appreciates the thought and consideration. Take some time to find out what’s going on with your friend – really listen.  Or if you choose to write a letter, choose some special paper and include small details that add intimacy to a friendship. Share your thoughts and ideas with whomever you are writing to.  Don’t you love to receive letters written with care? Surprise someone special today.

4 Enjoy the things you are already doing.

When it comes to food, eat the best quality you can afford. Slow down. Sit down to eat. Use china and cloth napkins. Or take a long soak in the tub. Light scented candles. Sprinkle bath salts in your water. Whatever it is you do for yourself, put some thought into it. You’ll find you don’t need to recharge as often if you do it well!

5 Don’t forget to schedule some good clean fun.

Think back to your live in the moment. They are great teachers for us. Forget your worries and just have fun!  Whether it’s a trip to the park, exploring a forest, painting or running through the sprinklers on your daily walk, find those moments of joy!