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01Jan 2017

A Life-Changing, Time-Saving Hack All Moms Should Know

Do what you can. Not what you can't.

Can’t buy a house? Well, then rent and start saving! Some things in life are black and white and others require just a little more thought.  Can’t concentrate? Go for a walk or change your scenery for a little while! Can’t sleep? Drink a glass of water, Read a few pages in a book and try again. Do something that you can do rather than worrying about what you can’t.  Too often we are paralyzed thinking about all the things we cannot do rather than focusing on something small that we could do!

Reframe your goals.

This is especially effective when you feel you’ve reached a dead end. Enlarge the scope of your goal to include personal growth as an objective. You cannot possibly “fail” if part of your goal is to learn and grow. Failure is sometimes the catalyst we need to continue the search for a better solution. As long as you don’t catastrophize and throw in the towel, some of the best lessons learned result from “failure.”

Next time you catch yourself thinking about what you can’t do--question your thought. Then ask, “What can I do?” Once you train yourself to start doing smaller “can do” things, you will have a more positive outlook. You may even boost your confidence enough with this simple trick to tackle the harder things that you thought were impossible. Start small, reframe challenges and believe you can do more than you originally thought!