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29Sep 2016

How To Get Stuff Done When You Feel Stuck

Have you ever found yourself thinking about someone and the next thing you know they are calling you?  

Or you form plans in your head and then find that things start to change?  

Our thoughts create energy.

Small shifts in our thinking send a message that you are putting things in gear.  It’s like Newton’s First Law. Remember that from school?

“An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”

We can parlay that lesson into our daily routines.

Unless you are actively doing something, nothing will change.  

When you feel totally stuck, you can get moving again by taking action. Sit down, make a plan and take one action.  The best way to get started is with small steps.  Like Newton says, even small steps will change the course and provide you with an alternative outcome.  

Let’s say you want to change your lifestyle, get fit and drop a couple of dress sizes.  When you think of it all at once, it’s overwhelming! Impossible to get done in a day! You complain about it a lot, “Oh that doesn’t fit anymore”, “I have no energy”, but where is your positive thought toward action?  Yes it’s a big goal. And yes, it will require you to make some changes. Yes, it will affect your everyday life. But until you stop moaning and actually change a thought pattern or something that you do, you will not see the changes you desire.  “If you always do what you’ve always done you will always get what you’ve always got.”

You could start with a brainstorm – all the things you want to change, all the ideas that could help you, all the people you may want to support you.  Then just start telling people in positive terms, what you are doing.  Make these true statements, not in the future. Instead of saying, “I am going to lose weight,” say, “I am losing weight”.  Pick one small thing – perhaps step one is to start walking a little more. DO IT! Stop driving 5 minutes down the road, start taking the stairs! Change your internal conversation with yourself and the things you say to others to start making changes. Talk to yourself positively. You will find that the momentum you gain as your thinking shifts, as you set others’ expectations and taking action multiplies your desire to continue.