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01Sep 2016

The One Rule Moms Follow to Live Without Guilt

What makes you feel good at the end of the day?  Knowing you have spent quality time with your children? Knowing your family is all safe and tucked in? Knowing you have brightened someone’s day?  Think about the things that make you feel content. These little things add value to everything you do! Have you heard of the Campsite Rule? It’s a great rule for life, too:

Leave everything better than you found it.

Isn’t that simple? Challenge yourself to live the Campsite Rule when you interact with others...including your own family! You will notice the craziest trend. The more helpful and genuine you are, the more others will respond to you. In turn those you interact with will pay it forward! You will have started a chain reaction of kindness.

It's just like when you actually go mindful of the space you occupy. Don’t leave garbage or big holes in the ground. I know I have left those I love holding onto my baggage before! That time you got home after a stressful day and your husband asked, “How was your day?” And you took a deep breath and started talking. Only to realize an hour later you were like a volcano spewing lava for an hour straight? Now, that’s leaving rubbish AND holes in the ground. Right? How about filling in holes left by the campers before you? Picking up the remnants of a camping party? Yes! That is how I want to leave my loved ones after a conversation.

Filled up.

Taken care of.




Better because of the time we spent together.

I’m not sure it’s only love that makes the world go ‘round. It’s the act of spreading love. "Infecting" those you encounter each day with happiness. Appreciating the unique traits in others we don’t possess. A stranger pays you a compliment and gives you the confidence to somehow pay it forward.  I see this when I’m driving. A driver will stop to let a car in or out of traffic. They wave a “thank you” and later down the round they return the favor for someone else. Usually this is unconscious but likely a result of the warm, fuzzy feeling they felt after the random act of kindness.

As simple as this seems and as little time as it takes, it is incredible to notice the calm that settles over you. You can’t help but have a bounce in your step!

I created this free worksheet to give you a head start. Click below to download and get started!

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