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01Nov 2017

The Secret to Fitting Everything in Your Schedule

Are you overwhelmed from juggling your schedule? With work demands, family schedules, and keeping your household running fitting everything in your schedule can be challenging to say the least.

The secret to fitting it all in? Scheduling. Everything. Quality time with your children. Date Nights with your husband. Time to work toward your goals. Exercise. EV-E-RY-THING.

Even fun. It sounds counterintuitive. It sounds boring. But, if you want to make the most of your time, you need to ensure it makes your calendar. 

Schedule seasonal highlights. 

Instead of, “this year, we need to buy a watermelon at the farmer’s market,”  Calendar it instead, July 3: buy watermelon to cut on the 4th. Really…do it now. It doesn’t matter it’s almost a year away.

It  could be picking apples in the fall for you. Or sipping a pumpkin spice  latte. It could be hiking your favorite trail in the spring. It could be visiting local  gardens when everything is in bloom. It’s the things that you think would be nice  one day, but you never actually take the 1 minute to calendar the events.

The alternative is spending your Saturdays cleaning house and making a trip to the market. There are  simple ways to squeeze in your chores during the workweek to preserve your  days off for fun activities. Think about it like this: Would your Saturday schedule change if this were your last weekend on earth? Of course it would! Even if you  approached your day as if it were the last day before your bestie moved far  away, I’m sure you would ditch the household chores for a girls’ night out.

Yes,  it’s a little more effort to plan, but the psychological benefits are well worth the extra effort. We are so good at putting off the future. That’s why making gigantic goals often fails. We can’t see far enough into the future inching along. It’s like losing weight. Yes, every calorie counts. But it takes cutting or burning thousands  of calories to lose just one pound. We have to “trick” ourselves into celebrating  those intermediary victories. Such a dramatic change in perspective inspires you  to finally take advantage of the opportunities available. Funny thing about us strange human types, the thing we think we can’t have we want more.

Want to learn exactly how to schedule your priorities? Click here to download my free guide.