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06Oct 2016

6 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Kids in HALF the Time


Don’t you wish you could spend long, lazy days with your kids without watching the clock feeling guilty because of everything else you need to get done? 

It doesn’t take half a day at the zoo or some really complicated planning to connect with your kids. Here are some ways to stay close when you are pressed for time.

1. Skip the small talk.

You’ve got time for more meaningful conversations You just have to be intentional with your words. Instead of asking, “How was your day?” and getting the requisite “fine” as a response, strive for something more specific like:

"What was the best thing that happened to you today?"

“Who did you play with today?"

"What was the hardest thing you had to do today?"


2. Do over. And over. And over.

Make waffles together every Sunday morning. Make Friday night game night. Go for a walk every Saturday morning. Find something that takes 30 minutes then make that appointment sacred. There will always be dance recitals and baseball practice, but committing to a standing 30 minute ritual each week gives everyone something to count on. Creating traditions with your children cultivates a sense of belonging they'll carry with them for years.


3. Look to the future.

Have you ever seen pictures of your friends' kids slurping watermelon on a hot summer day and though, "We should do that." And then you never do? This is the perfect solution. Pencil in those little treats on your calendar so you can take advantage of each season's special little rituals. You can do this anytime of year. I like to do this around the Christmas holiday when the kids are playing with new toys, extended family has returned to their homes and everyone is looking to retreat for some quiet time. Those little pockets of free time are perfect for writing easy to accomplish activities on your calendar for the entire year.  


4. A pair is always better than a spare.

The dishes have to be washed every night. The towels need to be folded and put away. Use that 10 minutes to work as a team. The perks? You’ll learn more about each other's day AND get your chores done faster.


5. A Good Laugh Goes A Long Way.

Make a mental note of the funny things that happen to you during the day and share with your kids. Laughter is one of the quickest ways to break the ice. If your day was not so funny, watch silly cat videos on YouTube. My kids belly laugh, and I laugh watching them laugh!

6. The eyes have it.

Did you ever go to a concert as a teenager and had the chance to get up close and personal with the entertainer? That brief second when his eyes locked yours? You felt like you were the only one in the venue.

Eye contact is huge. Five minutes of eye-contact conversation rivals the quality time benefits of a distracted hour. And...what we do everyday is more important than what we do sometimes.

My favorite time of day when the boys were little was always bath time. They were a captive audience. I would sit on the ledge of the tub, talk to them about their day and get a whole 15 minutes of eye-contact. Perfect for me to wind down from a stressful day at work. 

Like these ideas? Then you'll love this practical guide with simple ways you can connect with your kids even if you only have 15 minutes! It's FREE.