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24Nov 2017

One Step You Should Take to Keep Stress in Check This Holiday Season

Are you stuck in the middle of an endless to-do list now that houseguests have come and gone and it's time to get back into a routine? Are you frustrated by your messy house? Or a busy schedule? You have so much to do you have no idea of where to start? There are lots of ways to get started...break big projects into smaller chunks, make separate lists based on where you will complete the task (home, work, computer), but sometimes you want a quick and dirty solution to regain some focus and organization. A mental break to get that motivation going. I am going to share with you my secret stealth get-moving weapon. I l love this zero-brain-power-required method you can use to knock out a list in under an hour. You will feel immediate relief!

My Three Steps to Knock Out Your To-Do List


1. Make a list of 10 jobs which will provide instant satisfaction – all jobs must be completed in 10 minutes or less. Things like picking up toys for 10 minutes, sorting the laundry for 10 minutes, loading the dishwasher – you get the idea. Just a few quick items that will give you some breathing room and see instant progress.  


2. Write them down on separate pieces of paper...that’s the purpose of your cute worksheet you can download! If you’re really motivated by the fun factor, fold them and place them in a jar.


3. Choose your first task and set a timer. Ready, set...GO! Your goal is to beat your own time.


As soon as the first item is completed or the timer sounds, STOP! Return to your list and select another task.

You can set aside an hour each week to work on these little chores or just in short bursts whenever you feel stuck. You could also make a goal to complete one task from your jar every time you walk by. Not only will you get a lot accomplished, you will get the momentum ball rolling and break out of your rut. Gamifying your routine chores just mixes it up a little...allows you to use a different part of your brain. It’s like taking a new route to work. You see things you’ve never seen before because you’re more aware of your surroundings.