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15Sep 2016

The Happiness Hack All Moms Can Use TODAY

“When I’ve lost weight...” “When the kids are older...” Have you ever uttered those words? We put off living in the moment because we are waiting for a bigger or better time in our life which realistically never comes!

Life is short!

Stop running.

Stop living for some imaginary time in the future.  

Nothing is real except for what is here and now.

The past has gone, and the future is not yet here. The only time you can actually “be” is now!

It’s not always easy to do. Sometimes it is difficult to hush your inner voice and live in the moment. If you find yourself rushing around in the middle of the day, try this simple two minute exercise.

Close your eyes.

Breathe deeply and slowly.  

Turn off all distractions.

Aim for two minutes of peace.  

You will notice thoughts and worries bubbling up--things you “should” be doing.  Just acknowledge these, and then let them go.  Don’t get drawn in by planning or worrying.

Engage all five of your senses.

What do you smell? Listen to the birds chirping. Feel your child’s soft skin when you hug. Take in a beautiful sunset. Make every excuse to slow down and live more wholly in the moment.

It is a mindset that takes practice.

Live as if you have already accomplished those future goals. Do the things you tell yourself you can’t do right now. Live like you want to today. While it is important to have goals and big dreams, you should also have short-term goals. If you tell yourself you will travel to faraway lands when your children are older, plan a day trip every few months.

Do you have a bucket list? If not, make one! It’s so much fun to get those big dreams on paper. It’s even more exhilarating when you look back at your list years later and discover you have checked off a lot of the to-do’s! Get that list going.

Then make a list of twice as many experiences you have already had.

Or twice as many positives about your life here and now.

It’s important to list future expectations, but you must recognize that you are living in the here and now. Write down the situations in your life today that are just how you want them to be. I remember in college wanting to graduate and get a “real job” so I would have money to do more things. Looking back on my college days, though, I see that I had more freedom in my schedule then than I do now because of that “real job.”

Life is full of give and take.

Notice those special things about today that you are grateful to have going your way.