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27Oct 2016

The One Thing Happiest Moms Already Know

Putting someone else on a pedestal sets you up for failure. And yet...we do it all the time. How do you feel when you see someone get something you want? Of course, you know you are supposed to be happy for them. But sometimes that little thought of “I’ll never measure up.” sneaks in. That unhelpful comparison. The thought that “I will never be fit enough, talented enough or loveable enough.” And often when you compare yourself to others you find yourself coming up short. Comparison is the thief of joy. It steals the joy you experience from celebrating your own uniqueness.  

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Comparing ourselves to others who are on different paths and living different lives is really not useful.  We are not comparing like for like.  There are far too many variables. Does she have the same stresses and joy in her life? How does her job, family, finances, friendships compare to yours?  Chances are you are living quite different versions of life in many areas. While the picture you see seems desirable, we never know the whole story. It’s easy to forget when we are blindly looking at one positive trait that this person is human and has her own character flaws.

Instead of wasting your energy, shrinking your joy and self-confidence, try using comparisons to boost your wellbeing. Increase your self-worth and bring a little happiness into your day. Comparisons can actually be useful when you are using fair markers.  Pick something that you are trying to improve in your life – something concrete.  Don’t just say you want to lose weight or get healthier. Pin it down. Get specific. Then decide on realistic markers for yourself month to month.  Write it down, and start using comparisons for your own good. I am always amazed to look back and realize how far I’ve come from where I started. And you will be, too!